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Services to Persons with Disabilities

Please read our policy and accessibility information for persons with disabilities.


Leland Speed Library follows university policies in providing access to information sources and services to persons with disabilities who require assistance. Students may view these policies in the student handbook, Tomahawk; copies of this publication are available during registration and in the Student Affairs office. Persons with disabilities who wish to inquire about services available in the library or who require extensive assistance are advised to send e-mail to, Cindy Roberts or call 601.925.3908. To inquire about accommodations for students with disabilities on the Mississippi College campus, call  925-3354.


The entrance on the north side of the library, bordered by Monroe Street on the east, is accessible. Please call the library at 601.925.3232 to be admitted to the building. Please make sure to be ready to show your results for the #CampusClear app and wear a mask inside the building. 


All three floors of the library are accessible by an elevator. Elevator controls are at wheelchair level and have braille and sound indicators.


Restrooms on the second floor (main floor) can accommodate wheelchairs.

Water Fountains

A water fountain at wheelchair level is available on the main floor. 

Reference and Research

Reference Librarians provide assistance with print and electronic sources. Library Instruction Request Forms provide a space for faculty to notify Reference/Instruction Librarians of any ADA needs for the classroom. Please contact the Reference/Instruction Department with any questions. 


Assistance with microform equipment and materials is available in the microform area.


Assistance with photocopying is available in the photocopier area.

Circulation and Reserves

If special assistance is needed checking out or returning books or using materials on reserve, contact the Circulation Desk. Assistance with retrieving materials from the stacks is available from the staff at the Circulation Desk on the second floor (main floor).
Circulation Desk: 925-3232

200 S. Capitol Street, Clinton, MS 39056